ABB Energy Efficiency Award 2012: Orion Italia awarded among virtuous companies
Award promoted by ABB and dedicated to those investing in energy efficiency, obtaining savings and environmental protection.
The awarding of the Prize has been entrusted to the Technical Scientific Committee of ABB, while the validation of the results and the delivery of the acknowledgments to a qualified Jury, composed of representatives of Assolombarda, FIRE (Italian Federation for the Rational Use of Energy), CESI, Polytechnic of Milan and the "Leonardo da Vinci" National Museum of Science and Technology of Milan.
THE PROJECT: Porta San Lazzaro Shopping Center - Piacenza
Opened in April 2011, the Porta San Lazzaro Shopping Center is located in Piacenza on the Via Emilia Parmense: the glass-lined structure houses a shopping mall with specialized activities, neighborhood stores, catering areas, game room and parking lots. Orion Italia has designed and commissioned the plant engineering, adopting a KNX-based building automation system based on ABB components.
The number of light circuits controlled by bus is high and covers a wide variety of types of lighting sources. The versatility of the system allows you to get the right scenario both in the performance of calendar activities, and in the case of special events. The automatic management is based on the weather station that detects the position of the sun and the intensity of the light that comes from it. The optimization of the ignitions is also regulated by time slots. Air conditioning is also programmed according to the activities. In addition, the KNX controls the switching on and off of the service area lights and activates the antifreeze protection circuits. The system also controls the opening of the windows in the event of wind or rain, the switching on of all the lights in the event of an intrusion, the status of the main switches and those of the service circuits.
The total reduction in energy consumption compared to a traditional solution was calculated in the order of 14%. In total, there is more than 36,000 kWh saved per year, equal to 26.71 TOE / year and lower CO2 emissions for 62 tons / year. The pay-back of the investment is just under two years.